Wednesday, August 8, 2018

did Ijust remember the fast with it Iremember more farting than gaps inbetween farts when I had that'sunbelievably a dislike that givesinverts a it's like when am I notfarting when am I not burping andand belching yeah alright yeahI think I can't look at this stuffanymore I got sunshine outside and Imiss my kids and we've been we've beendoing three hours man or two hours withyou but I did an hour before thanks alot for coming on for sharing your sosome other little bits and pieces of thestory and for having a nice conversationhere sharing youryour family and what you feed your kidsand I'm glad you're out there makingeatin meat and makin families where canpeople find ya you've got a book Ialways recommend your book arthritis thebest thing that ever happened to mereally really good book I think as

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