Wednesday, August 8, 2018

home we are eatingcompletely plantainand we love it but like if my husbandgets something out while he's at work orsomething he doesn't really worry aboutit and the same thing like if they goout to eat like sometimes he takes theboys out to eat somewhere and you knowthey might not always get plant-basedand that's totally fine but that is justwhat works for us right now because Ifeel like that is just such an addedstress at the moment at that point thatwe're at but at home which is where weeat most of our meals like 95% of ourstuff is at home we are eatingplant-based and they've been fine withthat I think just making sure that youhave like different options like lots offruits and veggies so snack on thingslike that really helps okay so the nextquestion is what does your husband dofor work and did you ever want a girl somy husband is an air traffic controllerhe works for the FAA which is theFederal Aviation

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