Wednesday, August 8, 2018

blanked I had to go get my phoneso the mandatory skills that you have toinclude are push-ups of any kind highkicks straddle hold and a side split Ohwhat forgot about the side split that'sgonna be good fun yeah so you just haveto include those in your routine I'mjust reading their like criteria now sowhat's interesting and what's reallygood is it's scored beginning in 2018the emphasis in women's fitness will bethe fitness routine and will be scoredas 1/3 on your physique slash two-pieceswimsuit but sure like quarter turns andtwo-thirds on the two minute fitnessroutine the two minute fitness routinescores will be doubled how exciting isthatso if I make a really good routine I gethigh school but then again like I don'treally know what they're looking forwardto routine I might be completely barkingup the wrong tree but I've watchedenough of Oksana Kristina Missy PharrellCarrington and the pavely to kind ofknow what they're looking for inroutines but at the same time I'm notgonna hire a choreographer this routinebecause it's like my first time aroundand stuff she just see how I goif you know it gets serious

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