Wednesday, August 8, 2018

probably stronger than it has everbeen fitter than it's ever been and I'mthe oldest of a beam so if one thingthis bodybuilding stuff I haven't lostmy agilityI'm not massive and you know I've gotsome decent sized legs but I can stillthrow myself about and I turned to barkand I was like I can't believe this Iwas like three and a half stone when Iwas doing this stuff like my legwhen he was there but then you know hesaid well he swings around about so nowyou've got the powerful legs to use tospring yourself up like I sprung on thatwood floor today like I never evenrealized oh yeah put a little clip innow I've like bruised my hands I don'tknow if you can see that I bruised thepads of my hairs all especially thereright because I

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