Wednesday, August 8, 2018

which I still justthink it's crazy could like I even kindof know or knew of like some of hisfriends but I just like don't rememberhim at all but yeah so it's pretty kindof like crazy to me just that we had somany opportunities to meet and we neverever did until we were working togetherbut we did we met at Taco Bell and itwas taco love and the rest is historythe next question is what are my kidsfavorite dinner meals they it kind ofdepends I feel like Liam and Noah reallylove like anything with pasta they justanytime you have anything with pastathey'll just go crazy for they're superexcited about it and Luke is kind offollowing in my footsteps and likinglike Mexican food so he loves lovestacos like he gets so excited anytimethere's like something with tacos or youknow burritos or things like that sothose are definitely my kids favoritesthe next question is do we have any petsyes we do we have two dogs so we have aborder collie and her name is EmmaI believe she's gonna be six years oldthis Christmas ish and then we

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