Wednesday, August 8, 2018

what you mean and shegets in the hallway and just does abouthis walk over so if I was like four orfive maybe a bit older so anyway she wasprobably like what 35 40 I'll have tocheck so I'm gonna make the goal nowmaybe I still be able to do a backflipon him 35 and the splits until then 40 Ithink that's fat so going back topracticing my routine today I'm chuffedI'm over the moon because I know whattheme I'm doing I've ordered somecostume bits already because they thinkit's just better for you to practice ina costume it just gets you in characterso that's gonna come down it's gonna beexciting I have pretty much sorted my now I think I haveas usual me and Eleanor disagreeingabout what to do so she thinks I

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