you knowyeah exactlyI just has a tremendous sense of toilethumor and a good
barbecue I totallyagree it gets really bastardizednowadays I mean you know it's
funny asyou say like you with a lot of the NewAge stuff like the Osho called
you knowI mean Osho was really into getting hisgroup to sterilize themselves
you knowhe's really into vasectomies for the manyou know so there's always
there'salways this funny aspect this kind ofundercurrent and certain threads of
youknow I've just kind of degeneration thatgo on in these groups and now it
usuallyends up in weird power struggles and youknow group sex stuff and you
know justpeople vying for power over each otherin an animalistic dominance type
way andcalling it spiritual connect it's verystrange you sold out with these
sort oflittle forced smiles and the pretendingto be happy all the time
pretending tobe smiling pretending to smile at peoplelike oh I'm so loving it's
just I meanit's really sad and you
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