forever no dietsgonna allow you to live forever whatdiet can you eat that
doesn't send yourunning to the bathroom 20 times a daybleeding out of your
asshole farting andconstantly and burping all thetime as an emotional mess and
apsychological wreck you can't evenformulate a coherent sentence or build
acoherent worldview what kind of diet canyou eat that allows you to perform
wellthat allows you to enjoy your life andthat allows you to be a decent
humanbeing in the real world and not a fakekeyboard warrior what kind of
dietallows you to do thateat that diet and enjoy it lather rinserepeat alright
so there's been anotherepisode of eat meat make families getout there eat me
make families guys Ithink we might do another ketocollective next month we'll
beannouncing that
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