Wednesday, August 8, 2018

you come fromso my husband and I have been married wegot married in 2009 so we are coming upon 9 years of being married and we gottogether in 2007 so we have beentogether 11 yearsI think I'm terrible with us right nowthey yeah I guess it would be so thislast July was 11 years that's at thisJuly that's really crazy so we've beentogether 11 years and we've been marriedabout nine years and then did I go tocollege I did not go to college it wasonly about a year between me graduatinghigh school and when we got married andhe got in the airforce and we kind ofmoved away and then about six monthsafter that he I got pregnant with Lukeand so since we knew that I wanted to bea stay-at-home mom I just never ended upgoing to college and I don't reallyregret it for a while I was thinkingabout going to college

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