Wednesday, August 8, 2018

like our foreverhouse or that's the plan at least and sowe really wanted to get one that wecould kind of grow into that's why wehave an unfinished basement but wereally love it we love how open it is welove like the tube like the open floorlike two-story layout of it and then itactually was foreclosed on so I don'tthink anyone knows this I don't know ifI've ever said that but our house wasactually foreclosed on before we boughtit and a realtor had purchased the houseand they kind of flipped it and theylike repainted everything put newflooring in and it's just kind of likeyou know gave it a really nice faceliftso that's why it doesn't look like it's12 years old because they did a lot ofwork to it I think but we really reallylove everything it just is like totallyour style and it's totally

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