comfortable withmy decision and my husband's totallycomfortable with it and so
I don'treally think I'm ever going to go getlike a part-time job anywhere
oranything if I did it definitely wouldjust be part-time but I really lovebeing
a stay-at-home mom and there isdefinitely enough to keep me busy hereand I
really loved having my mom be astay-at-home mom like if we were sickfrom school
you shouldn't have to takeoff work or anything so since we areblessed to be
able to have me be astay-at-home mom I think that I woulddefinitely continue it
and especiallynow that I am doing YouTube I love it Iam very passionate about
it and I justdon't see myself getting a job outsideof being a seho mom and a
youtuber sothe next question is what is yourfavorite season spring summer fall
orwinter I am a hundred
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